All you want to know about Purchasing a Spanish Dressage Horse
At present many of our clients are looking for a PRE (Spanish Pure Breed also known as Andalusian) horse for dressage. Below are some important guidelines to take into consideration : The years of economic crisis of the past in Spain have caused a great change in the availability of PRE – Spanish Pure Breed – horses. Many breeders went out of business for various reasons. The elder generation of breeders were not able to adapt their production to the demands of the present market, that is to the ever increasing requirements of the pre purchase veterinary examinations, to the desired characteristics of dressage type movement and to international standards of training and horse management methods. It proved very complicated to turn a traditional Spanish breeding farm into a...
The Spanish Horse
Also known as the Andalusian – Pura Raza Española– PRE – Spanish Pure Breed Horse The Ideal Horse both for Amateur and Professional Riders For the amateur rider, these horses with majestic looks and high stepping movements, traditional long manes and tails and above all their wonderful trustworthy temperament, do not need any further introduction. These riders are well aware of the outstanding qualities of this breed, guaranteed to provide a safe and comfortable ride. Following the excellent results of the PRE ( Pure Bred Spanish – Andalusian ) and Lusitano horses at top international dressage shows, both amateur and professional riders from all over the world are keen to find their ideal Spanish horse to train up to the highest possible competition levels. Choice of Horses Our Horses...
Step One We suggest you study our “HORSES FOR SALE CATALOGUE” published on this website and visit our Youtube channel “Miriam Frenk Andalusian Horses for sale“. Not all horses included on the website catalogue have their videos open to public viewing, so please contact us for links to videos. Please send us the filled out enquiry form , so we know exactly what your wishes are. Do not forget to include the id. numbers of those horses that appealed to you from our website listing. Or send us an e-mail , stating the following charactericstics of the horse(s) you are searching : Breed Gender Height Age Colour Type ( traditional baroque or modern FEI dressage type ) Training level if any Temperament What is the horse going to be used for in the future ? Details about the rider : age, height...
What Prices are Based On
Often clients are somewhat puzzled regarding the value of our PRE – Pura Raza Española - Andalusian horses and therefore it is useful to explain what factors influence prices. HORSES FOR PRE (Spanish Pure Breed - Andalusian) MORPHOLOGY SHOWS CORRECT CONFORMATION ACCORDING TO THE BREED STANDARDS SET BY THE STUDBOOK AUTHORITIES (ANCCE) QUALITY OF MOVEMENT TYPINESS These are qualities that the PRE horse should show in the eyes of the Spanish judges at the “Concursos Morfológicos” – the Conformation Shows for Pure Breed Spanish horses. The traditional movement of the PRE horse is upward and forward, and this more pronounced knee action has become more in demand lately, also in the world of International FEI dressage. Mares, stallions and young stock with an important show record can be...
Some Advice for the New PRE – Iberian Horse Owner
Here are some important tips for general use for new PRE horse owners. This advice is not specifically meant for any horse or client. And yes, the contents might make you smile : – Spanish Pure Bred horses mature late, towards their sixth year, so if you have purchased a young horse (three or four years old), remember it should not be worked too hard or this could seriously affect the joints ( fetlocks – hocks ). PRE Horses have very active minds, a natural talent for collection and are willing to please their riders, so they might offer you more intensive and advanced movements than you are asking for, and thus harass their health. – Generally speaking, horses in Spain are not worked hard, so make sure the horse’s work scheme is increased gradually after arrival . - If your horse has...
Equestrian Terminology Dictionary
ENGLISH - SPANISH __________________________________________ THE RIDER EL JINETE ankle tobillo arm brazo back espalda bíceps bíceps buttocks glúteos calf ( calves ) pantorilla(s) chin barbilla ears orejas elbow codo eye ojo finger dedo forearm antebrazo groin ingle hand mano head cabeza heel talon hips caderas leg pierna little finger meñique lumbar región región lumbar back of the neck nuca neck cuello nose nariz pelvic área pelvis seat asiento seat bones isquiones shoulder hombro spine columna stomach estómago thigh muslo thumb pulgar toes dedos del pie triceps triceps upper arm brazo superior waist cintura wrist muñeca THE HORSE EL CABALLO back dorso belly barriga ear oreja fetlock menudillo pastern cuartilla foot , hoof casco forehand anterior groupe ,hind quarters...
The influence of the Rider’s Body on that of the Horse
The sensitivity of the horse has never ceased to amaze me. How it is possible for our tiniest movement to have an effect on a body as large as that of our horse. If this were not the case, however, we would never be able to command them as we wish. Riding would become a struggle between the animal and the rider – and it is not difficult to foresee who would win this confrontation. A good rider is one who, when riding, knows how to use the various parts of his body, applying subtle amounts of muscular pressure, in the exact quantity needed and at just the right moment, knowing in advance what the effect of these interventions (aids) will and should be. Here we shall be looking at the effect caused by the different parts of the rider’s body on the horse, knowledge which must be mastered by...
The Aids , the Language between the Rider and his Horse
The signals which a rider uses to transmit his wishes to his horse are called the AIDS. We can divide these into two categories: the natural aids such as the hands, arms , legs, seat (the influence of the spine) and the weight (centre of gravity) : and the artificial aids such as spurs, whip or the voice. While performing a dressage test the use of the voice is not permitted, but we will find that when training- especially young horses- we do use the voice often. In order to succeed in getting the horse to obey our wishes, we must combine all the aids in such a way as to make our intentions clear to him, as well as shaping his body into a suitable state as to be physically prepared and capable to carry out our orders. This means that the rider needs to possess a profound technical...
A World of Sensations
During the years I lived in Buenos Aires, I had the privilege of being a pupil of the well-known instructor Juan Manuel Romero Blanch. A lot of what he taught me has stayed present in my mind, but I especially remember one of his favourite phrases: “It’s not where you touch, it’s HOW you touch.” These simple words, which may not mean anything to the less experienced rider, reveal an approach to equitation which is only sporadically mentioned in most traditional riding manuals, that of FEELING the horse: to feel his movements, his state of mind; to even predict his intentions and reactions; to asess at any time his physical and psychological capability, and considering these and other factors, to consequently decide on the technique and INTENSITY of the aids to be applied. There is a big...
La Influencia del Cuerpo del Jinete sobre la Masa del Caballo
La sensibilidad del caballo es un factor que nunca deja de asombrarme. Como puede ser posible que nuestro más mínimo movimiento cause efecto sobre un cuerpo tan grande como es el de nuestro caballo. Sin embargo, si no fuese así, nunca los podríamos dirigir a nuestro gusto, ya que la equitación se transformaría en una lucha entre el animal y el jinete, y no es difícil adivinar quien ganaría en este enfrentamiento. Un buen jinete es aquel que montado, sabe utilizar las distintas partes de su cuerpo aplicando sutiles presiones musculares en la exacta medida y en el momento oportuno, sabiendo de antemano cual será el efecto de estas intervenciones (ayudas). A continuación, estudiaremos el efecto que causan las diferentes partes del cuerpo del jinete sobre el caballo, conocimiento que debe...
Un Mundo de Sensaciones
Durante los años que viví en Buenos Aires, tuve el privilegio de ser alumna del conocido profesor Capt. Juan Manuel Romero Blanch. Mucho de lo que él me enseñó se me ha quedado grabado en la mente, pero especialmente recuerdo una de sus frases preferidas : “no es donde se aprieta sino COMO se aprieta”. Estas palabras sencillas, quizás difíciles de entender para un jinete con poca experiencia, descubren un enfoque hacia la equitación mencionado esporádicamente en los manuales tradicionales, el de SENTIR el caballo : sentir los movimientos, su estado de ánimo, incluso el presentir sus intenciones y reacciones, evaluar en cada momento su capacidad de rendimiento físico y psíquico, y, teniendo en cuenta todos estos factores y algunos mas, decidir consecuentemente sobre la técnica y la...