Here are some important tips for new PRE-Andalusian-Iberian horse owners. This advice is not meant for any specific horse or client but these are general observations. And yes, the contents might make you smile but most of the following points are based on past experience :
Spanish Pure Breed horses mature late, towards their sixth year, so if you have purchased a young horse (three or four years old), remember it should not be worked hard or this could seriously affect the joints (fetlocks – hocks).
PRE horses have very active minds, a natural talent for collection and are willing to please their riders, so they might offer you more intensive and advanced movements than you are asking for, and thus harass their health.
Generally speaking, horses in Spain are not worked hard and most do not get turned out, so make sure the horse’s work scheme and amount of physical activity are increased gradually after arrival.
If your horse has feet with high heels, do not lower them in order to resemble the shape of the foot of other breeds. Andalusian horses have a different shape of foot compared to warmbloods or thoroughbreds. Not respecting the natural shape of the feet and heels could seriously affect the horse’s movement and even soundness in a negative way. If the feet are narrow then ask your farrier to put wider shoes on – inviting the foot to broaden.
PRE horses are more laminitis prone than warmbloods. So don’t overfeed on protein without the horse getting sufficient work. This does not mean that you have to keep them on a diet! In Spain we like the horses to be round and fairly fat – lean Andalusians look a bit strange to us. Horses in Spain are used to eating a considerable amount of cereals. Not feeding enough hard feed might result in severe behavioural problems both at work and in the stable.
Some horses tend to get stressed due to the journey, and will be a bit wild on arrival. Don’t worry – it is unlikely you have purchased a tiger. Just make the horse comfortable and make much of him, show him the new environment and he should settle in a few days. Do not ride the horse until it has settled in the new environment. Give him time to get used to the a change of nutrition (gradually introduced of course), language, climate, and stable routine. A bit of lungeing before you ride him the first few times is also a good idea.
When collecting a horse after a flight make sure you are using professional means of transport and experienced handlers. Horses can be very upset after a flight. If the final destination is a long journey away, then make sure the horse has no travel fever and no signs of colic before you continue on your trip.
At home make sure that stable doors are high enough to prevent a stallion from jumping over it! Spanish Pure Breed horses do jump, so make sure they can not jump out of the field either. You might need to provide special stallion fencing.
Don’t turn the horse loose in a field right away. In Spain most stallions have not been turned out since they were youngsters and they might panic in such a big strange space. Only turn the horse loose when he is used to his new handlers and responds to them. Make sure his legs are well protected with tendon- and overreach (bell) boots. Spanish horses do not enjoy being out for many hours in any type of weather. They love their comfortable and clean stables so adapt turn out to their Latin background……
Grass intake should be introduced very slowly in order to avoid laminitis or digestive disorder. Most Spanish horses have never or hardly ever eaten grass before.
Enquire what the horse has been fed on in Spain and consult an equine nutritionist in your area for advice on how to change the horse over to locally available feedstuffs.
Once the horse has settled, worm him even if he has been wormed in Spain. For equine flu vaccinations check with the former owners. Check with your veterinarian if any specific vaccinations are required in your country (West Nile Virus for example).
In Spain we cherish the long mane of the PRE horses. It is important to plait (braid) the mane for riding, if not the reins will rub and break them and it will also be hard for the rider to observe the neck and head of the horse from the saddle. Do not brush the mane a lot – it will thin if you do so – but untangle it with your fingers and with the help of hair softener. Keeping the mane in long braids / plaits in the stable, fastened by soft tape or loose bands at the end, will make it grow longer. You can leave those plaits in while riding, and only undo them every second or third day, in which case it is important you do not braid them tightly as this would harm the mane and could even cause physical complications and discomfort to the horse.
Do realize that the conformation and mind of a Pure Bred Spanish horse are different compared to a warmblood or other breeds. Try to educate yourself on different schooling techniques – for example too much long and low work is not suitable for PRE horses. Miriam Frenk is always available to give advice, if you need some guidance with the training of your new purchase.
Copyright Miriam Frenk 2023 – these texts are not to be reproduced without permission from the author.