Equestrian Terminology Dictionary
ankle | tobillo |
arm | brazo |
back | espalda |
bíceps | bíceps |
buttocks | glúteos |
calf ( calves ) | pantorilla(s) |
chin | barbilla |
ears | orejas |
elbow | codo |
eye | ojo |
finger | dedo |
forearm | antebrazo |
groin | ingle |
hand | mano |
head | cabeza |
heel | talon |
hips | caderas |
leg | pierna |
little finger | meñique |
lumbar región | región lumbar |
back of the neck | nuca |
neck | cuello |
nose | nariz |
pelvic área | pelvis |
seat | asiento |
seat bones | isquiones |
shoulder | hombro |
spine | columna |
stomach | estómago |
thigh | muslo |
thumb | pulgar |
toes | dedos del pie |
triceps | triceps |
upper arm | brazo superior |
waist | cintura |
wrist | muñeca |
back | dorso |
belly | barriga |
ear | oreja |
fetlock | menudillo |
pastern | cuartilla |
foot , hoof | casco |
forehand | anterior |
groupe ,hind quarters | grupa |
hand | mano |
head | cabeza |
hind quarters , hind | posterior |
hips | caderas |
knee | rodilla |
left fore , near fore | mano izquierda |
left hind leg ,near hind | pie izquierdo |
leg | extremidad |
mane | crin |
neck | cuello |
nostrils | ollares |
poll | nuca |
ribs | costillas |
right fore, off fore | mano derecha |
right hind leg ,off hind | pie derecho |
shoulder | espalda |
sweat | sudor |
tail | cola |
(to)cover | cubrir |
breeding stallion | semental |
colt | potro (3,4 años) |
entire | entero |
filly | potra |
foal | potro pequeño |
gelding | castrado |
horse | caballo |
mare | yegua |
stallion | caballo entero |
yearling | añojo |
(to) bend sideways | incurvar |
(to) turn | girar |
(to) use | emplear |
(to) accompany | acompañar |
(to) bend at the poll | flexionar la nuca |
(to) bend laterally , | flexionar lateralmente |
(to) collect | reunir |
(to) destroy | destruir |
(to) escape | escapar |
(to) foam | hacer espuma |
(to) follow the track | seguir la pista |
(to) go straight | seguir recto |
(to) halt | parar |
(to) help | ayudar |
(to) hold back | retener |
(to) jump | saltar |
(to) leg yield | ceder a la pierna |
(to) lengthen | alargar |
(to) lighten | aliviar |
(to) maintain | mantener |
(to) move | moverse |
(to) pat | acariciar |
(to) punish | castigar |
(to) push | empujar |
(to) quicken | acelerar |
(to) release contact | ceder el contacto |
(to) resist | resistir |
(to) rest | descansar |
(to) ride | montar |
(to) ride forward | avanzar |
(to) ride through the corner | pasar el angulo/la esquina |
(to) run | correr |
(to) shorten | acortar |
(to) slow down | ir mas despacio |
(to) straighten | enderezar |
(to) turn down | doblar, girar |
(to) unbalance | desequilibrar |
(to) use | utilizar |
(to) yield | ceder |
10 meter circle | vuelta de 10 metros |
8 meter circle | vuelta de 8 metros |
a lot of | mucho |
a step | un tranco |
actívate | activar |
angle | angulo |
arena | pista |
asleep | dormido |
balance | equilibrio |
behind | detrás |
behind the vertical | detrás de la vertical |
Bent to the left | incurvado a la izquierda |
Bent to the right | incurvado a la derecha. |
canter | galope |
change rein across the school | cambiar de mano por diagonal |
circle | círculo |
collected | reunido |
corner | esquina, ángulo |
diagonal | diagonal |
extended | largo |
fast | rápido |
galop | galope largo |
half halt | media parada |
half pass | apoyo |
halt | parada |
hard | duro |
hind quarters in | grupa a dentro |
impulsion | impulsión |
in front | delante |
inside | interior |
jaw | mandíbula |
less strong | menos fuerte |
little | poco |
long | largo |
long side of the arena | lado largo |
medium | medio |
noise | ruido |
outside | exterior |
parallel | paralelo |
passage | passage |
piaffe | piaffe |
pick up contact | tomar contacto |
Pirouette | pirueta |
rein back | paso atrás |
renvers | renvers |
rhythm | ritmo |
serpentine loop |
serpentina bucle |
short side of the arena | lado corto |
shoulder fore | espalda por delante |
shoulder in | espalda a dentro |
slow | lento, despacio |
slow | suave ( lento) |
slow down , (to) go slower | ir mas lento, mas despacio |
soft | suave |
Spanish Walk | Paso Español |
spur | espuela |
steps backward | pasos atrás |
stronger | mas fuerte |
suspensión | suspensión |
to avoid | evitar |
to sustain | sostener |
to the left | a la izquierda |
to the right | a la derecha |
to touch | tocar |
to control | control |
too fast | (demasiado rápido)acelerado |
track | pista |
transition | transición |
travers | cabeza al muro |
trot | trote |
turn down the center line | doblar/girar a lo largo |
use more leg | meter mas pierna |
use your legs, use the legs | meter piernas |
vertical | vertical |
walk | paso |
whip | fusta |
work | trabajar |
working | de trabajo |
boot | bota |
breeches | pantalón |
bridle | cabezada de trabajo |
buckle | hebilla |
cavesson | serreta para dar cuerda |
chaps | polainas |
curb bit | bocado |
curb chain | cadenilla |
dressage whip | fusta de doma |
flash noseband | cierrabocas |
girth | cincha |
glasses , sunglasses | gafas (de sol) |
gloves | guantes |
halter , head collar | cabezada cuadra |
hat | casco |
hat , cap | visera |
jacket | chaqueta |
leading rope | ramal |
lengthen the stirrups | alargar estribos |
lunge , lunging rein | cuerda |
mounting block | banqueta |
noseband | muserola |
pelham bit | pelham (perla) |
rein | rienda |
saddle | montura |
saddle | silla |
shorten the stirrups | acortar estribos |
snaffle | filete |
spanish iron noseband | serreta |
stirrup | estribo |
stirrup leather | acción de estribo |
throatlash | aholgadero |
waistcoat | chaleco |